Joint Family Law Program
March 4, 2022 | 9:00 a.m. – 2:30 p.m. | Video Webinar
Jointly presented by The Law Society of Manitoba,
The Court of Queen’s Bench Family Division Judges and
The Manitoba Bar Association, Family Law Section
We are pleased to welcome Professor Emeritus Rollie Thompson as our featured presenter for an exciting program that will include:
- A focus on retroactive child and spousal support, termination of spousal support, and variation and review issues
- A panel discussion
- Well-being tips for challenging work in challenging times
Professor Emeritus D.A. Rollie Thompson, QC, Schulich School of Law, Dalhousie University
Dr. Brian Forbes, Forbes Psychological Services Ltd.
Aaron Franks, Epstein Cole
Alison Bennet, Bennet Waugh Corne
Randall Horton, Tapper Cuddy LLP
Registration includes 30 day access to the video recording of the program.
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