Frequently Asked Questions

Review the frequently asked questions below for information and policies related to Programs, CPD on Demand, and MCPD.


Please visit our Programs page for the most up-to-date information.

We will make every effort to present the programs as advertised, but from time to time, changes to speakers, content, dates, and venues occur.

You need to log in with your Education Centre account username and password. Please note that your Education Centre account is used exclusively to register for live programs and purchase CPD on Demand resources. It is separate from the Member Portal.

If you do not have an Education Centre account, or you are not sure, contact to request one. Once your account has been created, login instructions will be emailed to you.

Payment can be made by credit card or cheque.

Invoices/receipts are emailed automatically once an order is complete.

Not all programs include materials, but when there are materials they will be sent via email. Typically this occurs a day or two prior to the date of the program, however there are instances when materials will be sent after the program.

Detailed instructions are typically sent via email a day or two prior to the date of the program.

Yes, registration for all programs is transferable to another eligible person.

For regular programs, there will be a full refund if you have given notice that you cannot attend at least 5 working days before the date of the program.

For limited enrolment programs, a full refund will be given only if the spot can be filled. If your spot is not filled, materials will be sent to you.

Kirsty Hyduk | Programs Assistant, Continuing Professional Development at or call 204-926-2035

CPD on Demand

No. You need to log in with your Education Centre account username and password. Your Education Centre account is used exclusively to register for live programs and purchase CPD on Demand resources. It is separate from the Member Portal.

If you do not have an Education Centre account, or you are not sure, contact to request one. Once your account has been created, login instructions will be emailed to you.

No. When you purchase a CPD on Demand course, it is assigned to your individual Education Centre account only and is non-transferable.

Visit CPD on Demand to view the list of available courses. You can find content most relevant to your needs in a variety of ways:

  • Read the full course description. Click the course title to view the full course description and presenter name(s). The course description page will also list other associated courses that may interest you. For example, if the course is part of a larger program or series.
  • Sort the course list. The course list can be sorted by Title, Date, and number of CPD hours or EPPM hours.
  • Filter the course list by subject area. Each course is associated with one or more subject area tags (e.g., Family, Practice Management, Real Estate, etc.). Simply select a subject area from the drop-down list at the top of the table, or click a subject area tag from within the table to see all associated courses.
  • Filter the course list by program or series. To see a group of courses that are associated with a larger program (e.g., Joint Wills and Estates, Pitblado Lectures, etc.) or make up a series, simply select a title from the Program or Series drop-down list at the top of the table.
  • Use the Search tool. Enter a search term in the Search field. For example, you could search by a keyword for a course title, or enter the name of a presenter.

When you find a course you want to take, select the Add to Cart button. Once the product is in your cart, complete the checkout process and place your order.

Yes. You still need to complete the checkout process and place an order to gain access to a free course. If your transaction does not require payment, you will not be prompted to select a payment method.

Payment can be made by credit card or cheque.

Once your order is complete, you can access your course immediately in your Education Centre account from the My CPD on Demand menu.

There is no deadline for course completion, unless otherwise noted (e.g., the course is only available for a limited time or is removed), but you must complete all steps in a course for the applicable CPD hours to be documented in your CPD Tracker.

No. Law Society staff will verify that you have successfully completed a course and enter the CPD hours into your CPD Tracker.

This is done on a periodic basis. Please allow staff sufficient time to record these hours, especially during peak year end times.

Kirsty Hyduk | Programs Assistant, Continuing Professional Development at or call 204-926-2035

Mandatory Continuing Professional Development (MCPD)

The Law Society has a statutory mandate to ensure that lawyers who practise law in Manitoba are competent. The Benchers decided that, like other professions and many other Canadian law societies, every practising lawyer in Manitoba should be required to take some CPD every year as part of their overall plan to enhance competency.

For further clarification on requirements and reporting CPD hours please reference the Mandatory Continuing Professional Development Requirements.

The Law Society will not accredit providers, but will have the discretion to determine that activities offered by a specific provider are not eligible activities if they do not adequately promote competent practice.

Providers may indicate the number of CPD hours on marketing materials. It is up to the lawyer to determine if the activity is an eligible CPD activity.

No, mentoring is not an eligible CPD activity.

In exceptional circumstances, you may be permitted to carryover up to 12 hours of CPD to the following year. (E.g. pursuing a Masters of Law Degree or completing the Federation of Law Societies’ Criminal Law or Family Law Program). If you wish to request a transfer of CPD hours from one year to another you must contact

The Law Society will audit members for compliance with MCPD requirements. If you are audited you may be asked to provide receipts or other documents to establish the number of hours of your participation and the eligibility of the activities.

Eileen Derksen | Director, Continuing Professional Development at or call 204-926-2021