Get Organized / Get Focused / Get Ready!
Various Dates | 12:00 noon – 1:15 p.m. | Video Webinar Series
As legal professionals today, we are managing a high volume of emails and tasks related to multiple matters or cases. At the same time, we face a variety of constant distractions that can break our focus and lead to disorganization.
Being focused and organized is key to efficiently handling all that comes our way.
This webinar series is designed to help you better manage your time, email, tasks, and those inevitable distractions. Register for all programs, or choose just the 1 or 2 that most interest you.
Individual sessions (click to see more information)
Time and Distraction Management + Digital Detox
Now available on CPDonline
We are constantly distracted by technology, connectivity, and information overload.
In this session, you will learn distraction management techniques and practical time management methods that will help you regain control of your technology and your day.
Email Management
Now available on CPDonline
As legal professionals we receive a high volume of emails every day, and most of them require follow-up.
In this session, you will learn how to batch process emails to get them, and any related tasks, out of your inbox for handling. The focus will be on using Microsoft Outlook and/or any other tools that your organization uses to manage email.
Task, Goal, and Deadline Management
Now available on CPDonline
In addition to processing a high volume of emails, legal professionals must manage hundreds of tasks related to multiple matters or cases.
In this session, you will learn how to build a master task list to capture everything you need to do so that nothing gets lost. You will also learn a method for daily and weekly planning that can vastly improve your level of organization. The focus will be on using Microsoft Outlook and/or any other tools that your organization uses to manage tasks.
Fight the Paper – Organize your Digital Matter File!
November 4, 2021
In order to efficiently process emails and complete daily tasks, you must be organized!
If your digital files are a mess and information is scattered all over the place, you will never be efficient. Emails can’t be stuck in your inbox and your documents can’t be kept in multiple locations.
In this session, you will learn how to create a 100% complete and organized paperless digital matter or case file. This will ensure you have the information available at your fingertips to answer questions efficiently.
Out of Town Presenter:
Paul Unger, Esq., Affinity Consulting
Eligibility For CPD Hours:
Each program may be reported for up to 1.25 hours of eligible CPD activity, and 1.25 hours of EPPM.
Video Webinar Registration Fees (Each Program):
(includes any materials and 30 day access to the video recording of the program)
Registrant: (Lawyer/Legal Staff) |
$85.00 (plus GST) per person |
Student: | $42.00 (plus GST) per person |