Emergent Motions Best Practices

  1.25 CPD Hours | 0 EPPM
  Recorded 2024-03-08


Jointly presented by The Law Society of Manitoba, The Court of King’s Bench Family Division Judges and The Manitoba Bar Association, Family Law Section

Originally presented at the 2024 Joint Family Law Program.

Experienced King’s Bench judges provide their “view from the Bench” about pre-triage emergent motions in the Family Division Case Flow Model. In addition to citing the applicable KBR rules and processes, they share their best practice tips for practitioners, including:

  • initial considerations before making the request for an emergent hearing
  • making the case for an order; emergent vs. urgent
  • top 10 reasons for rejection of emergent requests

From the Court of King’s Bench, Family Division:

Justice Allan Dueck

Justice Kaye Dunlop

Justice Regan Thatcher

Justice Lore Mirwaldt