An Afternoon with the Court of Appeal

November 21, 2024    |    12:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.  |    LSM Classroom

4 CPD Hours / 1 EPPM Hour


Chief Justice Rivoalen and the judges of the Court of Appeal invite you to join them for an engaging afternoon full of inside insights, tips and best practices.
This CPD session will feature a rare opportunity to Ask the Court and also provide valuable guidance on a variety of appellate topics including:

  • Are you sure you want to appeal?
  • What to know (remember) about Written and Oral advocacy;
  • When and how to proceed in Chambers;
  • What’s new at the court?

This is intended to be both an opportunity to learn and also connect with the 2024 Court of Appeal. Opportunities to engage will be extended with an informal light reception following the conclusion of the formal agenda. Please plan to stay to enjoy this time to mingle (4:00-5:00 p.m.).

Ticket type: Quantity Price Per Ticket
Legal Staff
Quantity: Total