Breaking the Cycle of Stress and Poor Sleep

  1 CPD Hours | 1 EPPM
  Recorded 2021-06-11


Originally presented at the 2021 Northern Bar CPD.

When juggling the demands of work life and home life, typically the first thing that we sacrifice is our sleep. Yet this lack of sleep, or getting poor quality sleep, can make it all the harder to juggle those demands. There is a detrimental effect on your physical and mental health, and also on the level of service that you are able to provide your clients. Hear from health care professionals with specialized training in this area whose presentation focuses on the following topics:

  • Sleep 101: circadian rhythms, sleep cycles and sleep hygiene
  • Addiction (potential cycle of uppers and downers)
  • How sleep deprivation can present
  • Impacts on your mental health and productivity

This course is Part 1 in a series. For Part 2, see Sleep and Your Wellness.

LSM members are eligible for 15% off all sleep services available at until October 19, 2024. Members can use the discount code LSM when booking a paid service.


Marlee Boyle, BSc., Registered Respiratory Therapist (RRT), Certified in Clinical Sleep Health (CCSH), Sleep Works

Leah Corkum, BA Psychology, Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN), Sleep Therapist (ST), Sleep Works